qatar-moms My Buggy Buddy Sunshade for Pram / Car Seat, Universal Fit Parasol
Qatar MomsQatar MomsQatar Moms

My Buggy Buddy Sunshade for Pram / Car Seat, Universal Fit Parasol

QAR 63,00

Simple and quick to use, this multi award-winning sunshade from My Buggy Buddy is suitable for use on any buggy or pushchair as well as in the car. This unique shade... اقرأ أكثر

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المخزون متوفرمتوفرغير متوفرالتصنيفات: My Buggy Buddy, أحدث المنتجات, اكسسوارات سيارات, الأفضل مبيعاً, مقاعد اطفال للسيارةعلامات الترميز: Car Seats, group-car seats, my buggy buddy

Simple and quick to use, this multi award-winning sunshade from My Buggy Buddy is suitable for use on any buggy or pushchair as well as in the car. This unique shade has won a top Baby and Nursery award as the best travel product and is pretty ingenious. With a sun protection factor of UPF 50+ (the best you can get), it can be clipped on to the hood or frame of the pram to offer shade to the baby or toddler where it’s needed. Its large clip helps to secure it in place and is easily adjustable so that it's in the right place to keep the sun off. Perfect for nipping out to the shops, car journeys and walks on sunny days, these buggy sun shades are an easy and convenient way to help your child get to sleep when out and about. Alternatively, it can offer protection in the car window if clipped on the grab handle inside the car. It is very simple to store as it twists into a neat, fold-away package to be carried in a bag or on holidays and has a very simple pop up assembly.

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My Buggy Buddy Sunshade for Pram / Car Seat, Universal Fit Parasol

QAR 63,00