لطيفة وبدون ألم هادئة جدا سهلة وسريعة اطراف ضد الانزلاق زر لسرعتين مع علبة حافظة تتضمن 4 أقراص (0-3 شهور،3-6 شهور ،6-12 شهر ،12 شهر واكثر)
Nest-shaped pillow that relieves the pressure on the back of baby's head and neck by keeping it aligned which helps develop a proper round shape and healthy skull. • Endorse...
يحافظ على درجة حرارة الطعام ساخنة (6 ساعات) أو باردة (8 ساعات) ملعقة مدمجة قابلة للطي ووعاء للاستخدام المريح غطاء كبير يمكن استخدامه كوعاء أو كوب مقاوم للتسرب مقاوم للبقع...
With the protective shampoo visor, your baby will never get soap in his eyes again. Easy to attach and fits securely on the head Made of soft and durable silicone...
ALM AND SOOTHE YOUR BABY TO SLEEP: This gender-neutral baby swaddle sack recreates the cozy womb sensation for your baby to feel safe and comfortable in a natural position. Baby...
QUIET & EFFICIENT: Operates silently, ensuring it won’t disturb your baby’s sleep—perfect for bedrooms and playrooms.CHEMICAL-FREE PROTECTION: Safely keeps mosquitoes at bay without harmful chemicals, making it ideal for the...
حواف منحنية تسهل التغذية الذاتية 4 حجرات منفصلة قاعدة شفط مدمجة قوية مخفية أسفل اللوحة مناسبة لأي سطح آمن في الميكروويف وغسالة الصحون سيليكون متين ومقاوم للبقع ومضاد للبكتيريا ...
asy-to-grip shape, fun bright colours, and multiple textures for a gentle gum massage with the Gümi. Filled with pure distilled water that can be safely refrigerated for a colder sensation...
CONVENIENT: Sanitize on the go with this portable, compact sanitizer, perfect for pacifiers, bottle nipples, sippy spouts, and more.COMPACT & PORTABLE: Its small design makes it easy to carry and...
يحفز ويساعد على تطوير المهارات الحركية والحسية الدقيقة لدى الطفل والتنسيق بين اليد والعين تحفز الألوان الساطعة والمتناقضة في تطور حواس الرؤية ويمكن للطفل التمييز بين الألوان خشخيشات متكاملة...
Prevents Complications: Effectively removes nasal mucus to help alleviate cold symptoms and promote faster healing, providing comfort to your child. Safe & Gentle: Made from 100% medical-grade (FDA-approved) soft and...
Help your little one feel like a big kid! The Stëp assists small children in reaching areas that are still a little too high. Whether used during potty training, teeth...
ضوء LED يبقي الطفل مستمتعًا أثناء تنظيف أسنانه تنبض فرشاة الأسنان كل 30 ثانية وتغلق بعد دقيقتين تتضمن رأسين للفرشاة (للرضع والأطفال الصغار) آمن للاستخدام حتى على الأطفال حديثي الولادة...
Keep a close eye on your little one with the Bblüv Smart Wi-Fi HD 1080p Video Baby Monitor, designed for easy, reliable, and crystal-clear monitoring. Featuring HD video with infrared...
First Sippy Cup: The all-in-one cup grows with your child, transitioning from a baby sippy cup to a toddler straw cup. Customize the cup with various accessories to suit your...
3 Compartments with 4-ounce Capacity: Stackable, interchangeable, and combinable for convenient storage and use. Ideal for On-the-Go: Leak-proof, compact, and easy to carry, making it perfect for travel. Flexible Silicone...
High-Precision Sensor: Offers precise measurements with an accuracy of ± 0.005 kg.User-Friendly: Simple to operate, providing reliable results every time.Large LCD Display: Easy-to-read screen with an automatic power-off feature for...
SECURE - Strong suction base will keep the Platö in place while the hot water chamber will keep the food nice and word thanks to its safety cap SAFE MATERIAL...