تم ابتكار منتجات Bumco من قبل أم تدرك مدى الشعور بالحزن عندما يعاني طفلك الصغير من أي إزعاج أو ألم. ساعد في تهدئة الطفح الجلدي الناتج عن الحفاض لدى طفلك...
لطيفة على بشرة الطفل: لقد اخترعنا فرشاة بامكو بيبي بوم لوضع المرهم بلطف على بشرة طفلك الحساسة. حافظي على نظافة أصابعك من كريم الحفاضات باستخدام ملعقة معجون المؤخرة الأصلية التي...
Bumco is a brand known for its innovative baby care products, and one of their notable items is the Bumco Brush. The Bumco Brush is designed to make the process of cleaning a baby's gums and teeth easier and more comfortable for both parents and babies. It typically features a soft silicone brush head that is gentle on delicate gums and teeth, along with a handle that provides a comfortable grip for parents. The Bumco Brush is often designed to be easy to use, with a compact size that makes it convenient for travel and storage. With its gentle yet effective cleaning action, the Bumco Brush is a popular choice for parents looking to establish good oral hygiene habits for their little ones from an early age.