الوزن: 11 كجم (24 رطلاً) العمر: من 6 إلى 10 شهور مقعد حمام الأطفال مصنوع من بلاستيك متين وخفيف الوزن مصمم للحفاظ على شكله وخلق تجربة مريحة أثناء وقت...
مصمم هندسيًا لراحة طفلك وسلامته. مادة شبكية ناعمة لطيفة على بشرة الطفل الحساسة صحية ومقاومة للعفن الفطري. يتميز بفتحات تصريف تتيح شطف الماء والصابون بسهولة بلاستيك متين وخفيف الوزن. إنه...
يعد نظام إعادة تعبئة الحفاضات Angelcare من الملحقات الأساسية للآباء الذين يتطلعون إلى إدارة التخلص من الحفاضات بشكل فعال. إنهم يستخدمون تقنية الأفلام متعددة الطبقات لحبس الروائح الكريهة، مما يضمن...
The octagonal shape provides a larger opening, making it easier to insert diapers. One refill can wrap up to 180 size 1 nappies, lasting about one month. The multi-layer film...
وقت الاستحمام، أفضل وقت! حوض استحمام Angelcare. منذ الأيام الأولى، شاركي طفلك وقتًا مريحًا في الاستحمام. استمتعي بوقت استحمام الطفل بثقة مع حوض استحمام الأطفال الجديد من آنجل كير! الحد...
If you're looking for a stylish way to enhance your nappy changing routine, look no further than the angelcare dress up nappy disposal system. Round refill included. the refill with...
If you're looking for a stylish way to enhance your nappy changing routine, look no further than the angelcare dress up nappy disposal system. Round refill included. the refill with...
If you're looking for a stylish way to enhance your nappy changing routine, look no further than the angelcare dress up nappy disposal system. Round refill included. the refill with...
Angelcare dress up octagonal refills is multi-thickness film system which ensures tightness perfect and traps odours and bacteria. It ensures tightness perfect and traps odours and bacteria. Compatible refill only...
Angelcare dress up octagonal refills is multi-thickness film system which ensures tightness perfect and traps odours and bacteria. It ensures tightness perfect and traps odours and bacteria. Compatible refill only...
Angelcare dress up octagonal refills is multi-thickness film system which ensures tightness perfect and traps odours and bacteria. It ensures tightness perfect and traps odours and bacteria. Compatible refill only...
Angelcare Dress Up Nappy Pail - Octagonal The Angelcare Dress Up Nappy Pail - Octagonal combines style and functionality to keep your nursery fresh and odor-free. Its unique design and...
Angelcare offers a range of baby care products designed to ensure the safety and comfort of infants. Their flagship items include baby monitors and breathing movement monitors, which provide parents with real-time information about their baby's activity and well-being. The breathing movement monitors, placed under the baby's mattress, detect even the slightest movements and alert parents if no movement is detected for a specified period. Angelcare products are known for their reliability, ease of use, and innovative features, giving parents peace of mind.