Breastfeeding is the best choice for nourishing newborns, as breast milk contains all the essential nutrients for a baby's healthy growth and development. It's important for the baby to consume an adequate amount of breast milk to meet their nutritional needs. However, some mothers may struggle with producing sufficient milk, affecting the baby's proper nutrition. Fortunately, there are certain food items which increase breast milk production and provide better satisfaction for the baby.

In this article, we will introduce you to food items which increase breast milk. These foods can be incorporated into the mother's diet to improve breast milk production and enhance your baby's nutrition.

Which Food Increase Breast Milk?

Vegetables contain numerous vitamins, minerals, and essential fibres that contribute to the health of a woman's body and aid in increasing breast milk production and improving its quality. These vegetables include:

  1. Spinach: Rich in vitamins and minerals, spinach is a good source of vitamin C and vitamin A. It is also rich in iron and calcium, which are important for boosting breast milk production.
  2. Carrots: Carrots are high in vitamin A and fibre. They are important for eye and skin health and help enhance the quality of breast milk. It's recommended to consume a cup of carrots daily.
  3. Celery: A rich source of essential nutrients, celery contains various vitamins, minerals, and fibres. It is known for its ability to improve breast milk production.
  4. Onion: contain sulfur compounds and fibre. They help regulate maternal hormones that impact breast milk production and can be incorporated into various recipes or consumed as a soup.
  5. Chickpeas: Chickpeas are rich in iron, B-complex vitamins, fiber, and protein. They can be boiled for soups or used in salads.
  6. Garlic: It contains sulfur compounds and anti-inflammatory nutrients. It regulates maternal hormones and increases breast milk production. Nursing mothers are advised to increase garlic intake in their meals.
  7. Pumpkin: Specifically, pumpkin is a good source of fibre, potassium, vitamins, and water. It helps increase breast milk supply.
  8. Beetroot: Beetroot is a nutrient-rich vegetable high in fibre. It enhances breast milk production, boosts immunity, and helps combat anaemia in both the mother and the infant.
  9. Leafy Greens: Dark-colored leafy greens are rich in calcium, iron, vitamin A, vitamin K, and folic acid. They also contain phytoestrogens, which are important for breast tissue health and lactation.
  10. Sweet Potatoes: A good source of vitamin C, vitamin B, carbohydrates, and magnesium, sweet potatoes contribute to energy levels and increased breast milk production. They can be prepared in savoury or sweet dishes.

Does Breast Milk Satisfy More Than Formula?

Yes, natural breast milk does satisfy a baby better than formula. Breast milk is considered the ideal nourishment for newborns, as it contains all the essential nutrients a baby needs, including proteins, fats, carbohydrates, vitamins, minerals, and water. It also contains numerous bioactive compounds and other components that contribute to the baby's health and healthy development. This is in comparison to formula, which contains varying proportions of nutrients and lacks some of the bioactive compounds present in breast milk. Additionally, the formula can be harder for the body to fully digest, potentially causing the baby to feel hungry more quickly compared to being breastfed.

As a result, breastfeeding is recommended whenever possible. In cases where breastfeeding is not feasible, choosing a formula that provides the necessary nutrients in appropriate proportions for the baby's age is essential.

How to Make Breast Milk More Satisfying?

  • Changing Nursing Positions: Altering your baby's nursing position, switching sides, or changing the baby's posture from sitting to an upright position can help stimulate even milk production in both breasts.
  • Increase Nursing Frequency: Nursing more frequently can encourage your body to produce more milk. Try to breastfeed regularly and based on your baby's needs, while minimizing the waiting periods between feedings.
  • Avoid Bottle and Pacifier Use: It's advisable to avoid bottles and pacifiers in the early stages of your baby's life, as they can reduce milk production and the baby's satisfaction.
  • Relaxation and Good Nutrition: Mothers should prioritize relaxation, maintain a well-balanced diet, drink ample water, and stay adequately hydrated. Stress, tension, and hunger can decrease milk production.
  • Consume Nutrient-Rich Foods: Mothers can enhance their baby's nutrition by consuming nutrient-rich and healthy foods such as vegetables, fruits, and lean proteins while avoiding fatty, fried foods, carbonated beverages, and stimulants.

Proposed Products for Enhancing Breastfeeding

1. Traditional Medicinal Tea

A nursing-friendly tea endorsed by the Ministry of Agriculture to support natural breastfeeding. Organic, GMO-free, caffeine-free, and gluten-free, it boasts a delightful taste and remarkable effectiveness.

2. Frida Mom's Nutritional Supplement

A breastfeeding supplement comprising 100% natural ingredients like fenugreek and mango flavour. Free from artificial flavours, gluten, dairy, and soy products.

3. Nighty Night Lactation Tea

Herbal blend is designed to support healthy lactation, made from ingredients including dandelion root, red raspberry leaves, moringa, oats, and fennel. Caffeine-free, promoting healthy breast milk production.

4. Milky Maker's Lactation Muesli Granola

A 100% vegan product consisting of fragrant coconut flakes, nutritious cranberries, and milk-related ingredients. Ideal for nursing mothers as a breakfast option to boost natural breast milk production.

In conclusion, dear mothers, it's important to acknowledge that every woman has specific needs. Some may encounter challenges in increasing milk production despite their efforts. If you have any concerns about milk production or infant nutrition, it's best to consult your doctor or a nutrition consultant for personalised advice and guidance.

For more information about maternal and infant health, we recommend visiting the Qatar Moms blog.