qatar-moms Philips Avent, Manual Breast Pump
Qatar MomsQatar MomsQatar Moms

Philips Avent, Manual Breast Pump

QAR 275,00

The breast pump has a unique design, so your milk flows directly from your breast into the bottle, even when you’re sitting up straight.  This means you can sit more comfortably... اقرأ أكثر

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  • The breast pump has a unique design, so your milk flows directly from your breast into the bottle, even when you’re sitting up straight.
  •  This means you can sit more comfortably when expressing your milk: you don’t have to lean forward to make sure all your milk ends up in the bottle.
  •  Sitting comfortably and being relaxed when expressing helps your milk flow more easily.
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Philips Avent, Manual Breast Pump

QAR 275,00