Pregnancy is the most joyous period in a woman's life, as it highlights the woman's powers while providing a bridge to a new life in the future. Pregnancy has some costs for the mother’s health as she is the best support for the health of her future child. The growing fetus for all needs depends entirely on its mother's healthy body. So, pregnant women must take steps to remain healthy to pass this period safely and regain her health quickly to start the next responsibility of the newborn. In this blog, We will provide you with 7 steps to ensure a healthy pregnancy.

1. Get Proper Prenatal Care

It’s important for any pregnant woman to have prenatal care throughout her pregnancy. It's better to see your doctor to monitor your baby and help you with what you need such as checking your weight, blood pressure and checking the development of your baby like listening for the fetal heartbeat and measuring your belly. In addition, you'll also have prenatal tests, like blood, urine, and cervical tests. Your doctor will be able to advise you on many topics in relation to having a healthy pregnancy.

2. Eat well

You are not actually eating for two. A pregnant woman only needs about 300 calories per day for her baby. Make sure to continue eating healthy in order to keep your weight gain in check. Nutrition during pregnancy is one of the most important factors that affect not only your health but also your baby's health. It is important at this point to focus on eating healthy foods such as vegetables, fruits, proteins, and healthy fats found in nuts. On the other hand, you have to stay away from foods that are harmful to pregnancy such as raw meat, raw eggs, and other products. Also, it's better for a pregnant woman to eat a number of small meals throughout the day to maintain sugar blood level, and to prevent annoying pregnancy symptoms such as dizziness, nausea, etc.

3. Take a supplement

You need essential nutrients such as calcium, iron, and folic acid.

  •       Calcium 

        Your little baby takes calcium from your own bones or teeth. As your body can't make calcium, you want to get extra calcium during your pregnancy from food or supplements. You have to get at least 1,000 mg of calcium every day. There are some foods that are high in Calcium like Yogurt, Orange juice, Sardines, and Milk. 

  •      Iron

           Pregnant women need about 30 mg of iron every day to make red blood cells. When you are pregnant, your body makes more blood because you and your baby are growing. Low iron levels can make you feel tired and then affect your baby’s growth. Foods that are high in iron like red meat, salmon, eggs, dried fruits, and dark leafy green vegetables.

  •        Folic Acid 
    It is considered a man-made form of a B vitamin. Folic Acid is in fact the pregnancy superhero. Doctors say that taking 400 micrograms (mcg) of folic acid before and during pregnancy will help you prevent birth defects and develop your baby's brain and spinal cord.

4. Fluid intake

Water is the best thing to drink during pregnancy. It forms the amniotic fluid around the fetus, affects your digestion, helps nutrients circulate in your body, and helps waste leave the body. Also, you have to Cut Back on Caffeine. Your coffee intake should be reduced to one cup per day, as well as all caffeinated drinks such as tea, cocoa, and soft drinks as it causes heartburn and affects the efficiency of the placenta, as well as affecting the baby’s sleep after birth.


5. Exercise regularly

in general, exercising while you’re pregnant is safe for you and your baby and to be sure; ask your healthcare provider.

Doing gentle exercise helps you to:

  • Although it's normal to gain weight during pregnancy, doing gentle exercise will help you maintain a  healthy weight.

  •  Protect you against pregnancy complications, such as high blood pressure and diabetes.

  • Increases your chance of labor and birth.

  • Get your shape back quickly after your baby is born.

  • Change your mood.

6. Sleep well

Sleep is not a luxury. It’s a necessity, especially during your pregnancy period. You'll probably feel more exhausted and tired than usual. Your body wants to sleep at least 8 hours a day. Be sure to take naps during the day if you have trouble sleeping at night so that your body gets what it needs during the day. Some doctors advise sleeping on your left side to help blood flow to the placenta and, then, to your baby. 

7. Keep Stress in Check

Pregnancy is a stressful time and this is a common feeling because you will be worried about how to deal with the coming changes. You have to de-stress as you can by using yoga or talking to your health care provider


Finally, pregnancy is a wonderful journey which is full of wonderful memories. Enjoy every stage in it and make sure to follow the most important tips for a healthy pregnancy that we mentioned to you today